Channel: NTKLife
Category: Autos & Vehicles
Tags: ktm supermotardenduroktm sipermotardreckless supermotoktm crashgrenzgaengerzegastktm projecthow to wheeliewheeliesupermotosuperretardsktm 125 excquerlycrashsavage supermotoktm scrapektm 450 excsweden supermotoktm wheeliesm
Description: Awesome times captured on video from the summer. More videos are coming. Also made a motovlog from the day the majority of this video was recorded. This video was more of an extra video for you to enjoy. Thanks for the support. If you need a graphic kit, send a dm to on Instagram. Thank you /NTK THE ONLINE SHOP: Follow me: Snapchat: Nickek All stunts are being performed in controlled areas by professionals. Do not try this at home. Only for entertaining and educational purposes. There is no copyright infringement intended for the song or picture. If you have an issue with me posting this song or picture please contact me through one of my social networks.